Providing a place for people in need

For the past 20 years, The Garden Cottage has been used for temporary accommodation and relief housing.

We are continuing this by offering it to those who are facing financial or housing crises. We believe that everyone deserves a safe and comfortable home, regardless of their financial situation.

The Garden Cottage comprises of a 2 bedroom attached residence with kitchen, living room, sunroom and bathroom.

Please consider donating to The Garden Cottage today and help us provide a safe and comfortable home for those in need. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those who are struggling. Thank you for your support!


Donate to support the upkeep and maintenance of the Garden Cottage by giving to the HBC Six-Ten Fund:

Name: HBC SixTen
BSB: 062814
Account Number: 10288231
Please use "Cottage" in the description.

The administration of The Garden Cottage is managed by The Hunter Bible Church Necessitous Circumstances Fund (The HBC Six Ten Fund) and its oversight committee. Your donation will go directly towards supporting our mission of helping those in financial distress.